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BBRR's signal modernization project will make the Richmond & Alleghany Division the first in America to implement LED signal technology

The Buckingham Branch signal department has responsibility for ensuring the safe and effective operation of the communication system that controls the shared use of BB tracks by BB trains, CSX trains and Amtrak trains, as well as the safe interaction of pedestrians and non-railroad vehicles crossing BB tracks. This communication system includes track wires, wayside signals, crossing signals, and the radio and wireless communication necessary to tie it all together. In addition to maintenance of the signal system, the signal department has undertaken a major wayside signal upgrade project over several years on the Richmond and Alleghany Division. The project has involved nine phases covering 125 miles of track. The project has replaced existing open pole lines, the traditional railroad signal system, with new electronic track circuits. The existing pole lines are being removed following the switchover. The Buckingham Branch is proud that this signal upgrade project will make the Richmond and Allghany Division the first railroad in America operated completely with an LED signal light system.


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