Photo by Stewart Alexander

Improving the processes and communications of the railroad

One of the department’s primary objectives is to create a robust and reliable communications network for the signal and radio networks that govern the movement of rolling stock and other equipment along the BB right-of-way. The system is comprised of a web of fiber optic, copper-line, and cellular wireless communications. The main goal of the network is to be reliable. Speed is important to some aspects, but reliability is key when timely operations are required.

There is also a key focus on equipping the staff with the tools for efficient operations. Train crews use tablets for work orders and reporting car movements. Many staff use laptops, tablets, and smart phones for communicating and managing documents.
IT is also responsible for identifying, studying, and implementing new technologies to improve the processes and communications of the railroad. Rather than strive for “bleeding edge” with regards to technological adoption, IT is more focused on keeping up with industry changes that are critical to maintaining both high and safe levels of performance.


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