Topic: Infrastructure

Buckingham Branch Officials Visit Congress for Railroad Day 2016 – 3.3.2016

Buckingham Branch Officials Visit Congress for Railroad Day 2016 – 3.3.2016

Lois Frank, BB Corporate Secretary (2nd from right); Kyle Frank, BB Transportation Supervisor (3rd from right); and Bill Hamilton, BB Director of Business Development (4th from right); meet with Virginia 5th District Congressman Robert Hurt (right) as part of Railroad Day.

Buckingham Branch Railroad officials met with Virginia Congressmen and Senators as part of Railroad Day 2016. Lois Bryant Frank, BB Corporate Secretary, Kyle Frank, BB Transportation Supervisor, and Bill Hamilton, BB Director of Business Development, particpated in meetings with the offices of Senator Mark Warner, Senator Tim Kaine, and eight Virginia Congressmen as part of Railroad Day 2016, an annual event organized by the American Short Line and Regional Railroad Association (ASLRRA) and the American Association of Railroads (AAR).

Buckingham Branch RR Wins National Safety Award – 4.1.2015

Buckingham Branch RR Wins National Safety Award – 4.1.2015

Left to right, Buckingham Branch CEO Mark Bryant, Board Chairman Bob Bryant, and President Steve Powell display the ASLRRA Most Improved Safety Record award.

2014 was the culmination of a four-year initiative by the Buckingham Branch Railroad (BB) to improve safety at the railroad. The results exceeded management’s expectation and were recognized by the American Short Line and Regional Railroad Association (ASLRRA). In March, at the Annual Safety Awards program, the ASLRRA named the Buckingham Branch the 2014 winner of the Most Improved Safety Record among America’s short line railroads.